Workmanship: Here is the big one. This is something you do not always see just by looking. Above all else, this is the factor that will determine how the violin plays and sounds.
With a violin, the majority of cost goes into the labor. Violins are hand carved from solid pieces of wood. This takes a good deal of time on even the lowest grade violins. The best violin makers might only produce 3 or 4 violins per year. They spend months perfecting the instrument and going over even the smallest details. This comes at a high price. You can easily spend $10,000.00 on a professional grade violin. A top orchestral player will normally play a violin in the $30,000-$60,000 range. At this level they are expected to have the best and there is no room for compromise. When you consider the amount of time that was spent on the violin, it is often a bargain at the price.
We are not suggesting that you will need to spend thousands of dollars to get a good violin. We just want to point out the prices for high-end violins.
Many bad violins are simply unfinished good violins. Getting that last little bit of tone or fitting the tuning pegs to perfection takes time. Lots of time.
While shopping, think about the approximately 70 parts that make up most violins. Imagine spending an average of only $1 more for the making of each of those parts. With the lowest level violins $70 will make a big difference. The better the violins get the less improvement you see for that $70.
Cremona Violins are made in China. Cremona was one of the first major brands to be imported to the USA from Asia. They have become a favorite among teachers and students, due to their value.